The graduate program in history at North Dakota State University has offered a master's degree since the Graduate School was founded in 1954 and a Ph.D. in History since 2002. For more information on our Master's and Doctoral programs, please see the department's website 7a1s.v-lanterna.com/history/.
For individuals who
Are seeking an advanced degree. Want to gain a deeper understanding of peoples, societies, economies and changes through time.
Looking for
Classes that look at history in a wide variety of global settings and time frames.
To become
- Geographer
- Librarian
- Museum Curator
- Professor
- Social Research Analyst
Admission Requirements
Master's Degree
The Department of History graduate program is open to qualified graduates of universities and colleges of recognized standing. In addition to the Graduate School admission requirements, the applicant must also
- Provide a statement of intent that clearly outlines the applicant's interest and purpose for seeking a master's degree in history. The department uses this statement to assess the applicant's ability to organize thoughts, to formulate a plan of academic study, and to complete the graduate program. This statement also enables the department to determine whether North Dakota State University's graduate history program suits the applicant's needs and objectives.
- Submit a substantial paper submitted for an upper-division history class or for a class in the humanities and social sciences. The paper should provide evidence of an applicant's ability to synthesize information, organize thoughts logically, and communicate clearly and effectively.
Preference for admission into the Ph.D. program with full graduate standing will be given to applicants who have a GPA of at least 3.5 in history courses in an earned bachelor's or master's degree.
Applicants must submit a statement of purpose clearly outlining their research interests, potential major adviser, career goals, and purpose for seeking a Ph.D. in History. Applicants must also submit a substantial paper submitted for a class in History to provide evidence of ability to research thoroughly, interpret and analyze primary and secondary sources, synthesize information, organize thoughts logically, and communicate clearly and effectively.
Residency Requirements
Students enrolled in the Ph.D. program are required to complete at least one academic year (18 credits minimum) in residence on campus.
Most graduate courses are held during the workday, but several courses are offered in the late afternoon and evening each semester to accommodate working professionals within driving distance of NDSU. Online courses are not typically offered.
Financial Assistance
Both graduate teaching and research assistantships are available. Students wishing to apply for assistantships should indicate this in their application. The deadline for assistantship applications is March 1. Graduate assistants work between 10 and 20 hours per week. In addition to the stipend, graduate assistants receive a graduate tuition waiver. Tuition waivers cover base tuition for NDSU graduate credits only. Students are responsible for differential tuition, student fees, and tuition for non-graduate level credits taken or Cooperative Education credits.
The department awards and renews assistantships based on maintenance of good standing in the program and full-time registration during the appointment, demonstration of historical knowledge and good communication skills, progress toward completion of a degree, financial need, and minority status in cases of equally qualified candidates.
Master's students can expect a maximum of 2 years of funding, while doctoral students may have 4 years of support if the above expectations are met and funding is available.